Pradeep Mugunthan, PhD, PE
Pradeep Mugunthan, PhD, PE
Principal Engineer
Science & Data Solutions
Using the latest environmental modeling and monitoring methods, our engineers and scientists factor in regulatory, stakeholder, and socio-economic constraints to develop technically sound, cost-effective solutions to complex environmental problems and environmental compliance needs. We specialize in Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification compliance, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting, and nutrient and temperature total maximum daily loads (TDML). Through our deep knowledge of physical and biochemical drivers of habitat conditions such as flow, geomorphology, temperature, and productivity that affect aquatic life use, and using state-of-the-science modeling and statistical tools, our experts have successfully helped clients navigate the complex regulatory world of water quality compliance.
Our experts have also helped develop solutions for upland source control and in-water sediment remediation at Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) sites. We have supported clients with numerous contaminated sediments-related water quality management problems in the United States and abroad. Our experts understand the nuances of the CERCLA and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) processes and have helped clients through site characterization, remedial investigation, development of remedial alternatives, remedial design and implementation, and post-remedial monitoring.
We design and conduct water quality studies to meet your objectives, including environmental compliance, impact assessment, baseline evaluation, aquatic habitat suitability, and water quality improvements.
Our services include the following:
Representative Projects: