Science & Data Solutions
Joe Miller is a fisheries scientist with a diverse background in aquatic biology, regulatory compliance, and program management in the Pacific Northwest spanning two decades. He has worked successfully with federal, state, tribal, and private entities to develop creative, efficient solutions to address complex resource management issues, particularly at hydroelectric projects in the Columbia River Basin. Much of his professional and academic career has been focused on salmon ecology, evolution, and conservation and has included projects along the West Coast of North America from Southwest Alaska to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Prior to founding Four Peaks, Joe played a key role growing a fisheries program at a private consulting firm, and he led large-scale fisheries programs at the Public Utility District No. 1 of Chelan County and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Through these experiences, Joe has gained a reputation for excellent client service and solving complex problems. As Principal Scientist at Four Peaks Environmental Science and Data Solutions, he is surrounded by a team of scientists and engineers that are passionate about their work and share the same commitment to bring our clients superior service and outstanding technical solutions.
Joe holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Fisheries from the University of Washington, where he studied salmon populations in Alaska. Joe and his family live in Wenatchee, where he can be found running or skiing the trails with his daughters.